
A modular, open-source mod for Arma 3, partly based on Taosenai's TMR.

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Open Source

Everyone is free to fork this and make contributions.

Modular Setup

Disable/Delete features you don't want.
Due to the amount of .pbos you cannot toggle the features in the in-game expansions menu to avoid clutter, but have to be removed from the modfolder manually. Sorry.

No Bullshit

No gimmicky features that don't add anything to gameplay and are out of place in Arma.
(And if there is a feature that you consider unneccessary, just disable it!)


Medical System

  • 6 hit areas (head, torso, left & right arm, left & right leg)
  • bloodloss and unconsciousness
  • pain simulation and morphine
  • patient transport (drag, carry, load into vehicles)

Weapons & Ballistics

  • real-world weapon names (based on TMR)
  • wind and humidity affect bullet trajectory (wind readout available using the compass)
  • real-world ballistic data (based on TMR)
  • weapon resting using the [Next Target] key
  • rocket launchers create a backblast area behind the soldier wounding units behind him and wounding him if he is standing too close to an obstacle.


  • real-world names whenever possible
  • single-pair flares for aircraft
  • better radar warnings
  • eject from all aircraft in any seat
  • fire control system for tanks and APCs


  • show (player) names of units you're looking at
  • send civilians away or tell them to get down


  • jumping while running/sprinting
  • improved slow-walking animations

Map Changes

  • bigger coordinates & compass
  • deactivated the bugged "jump to current position" button


  • attach IR strobes to your helmet
  • ingame effect of sunglasses


AGM is under continuous development. The planned features include but are not limited to:

  • realistic vehicle weaponry and ammocounts
  • logistics system including towing vehicles and rearming vehicle weapons
  • weapon overheating and barrel changes
  • better fatigue system with a bigger focus on weight
  • more realistic armor model
  • disposable launchers
  • prisoner system
  • improved laser rangefinders


AGM is open-source! If you want to help out, be it adding features yourself, or just reporting bugs and giving feedback, head over to GitHub and get started!

If you want to report an issue or bug, please use the Issue Tracker.

If you want to develop your own feature, fork the repository and create a pull request. (If you don't know how to do that, click here.)


If you have any questions, you can contact me on the BI Forums or send me an email at